Tuesday, April 15, 2014

World Empires

It really surprises me how many different countries were under the control of European powers.

Monday, April 14, 2014

White Man's Burden Response

Throughout the excerpt, phrases such as, "Take up the White Man's burden..", "Send forth the best ye breed...", "Your new-caught, sullen peoples,/Half-devil and half-child", are used to show the author's opinion about white superiority. He protrays everyone who is not European as being almost like animals whose only purpose is to serve them. This is shown through diction such as, "breed", and "new-caught".

Young Turks

The constitution gave Ottomans the right to vote and also gave free education to those who wanted it. Since they were the first generation in a while to get free education they would have a huge advantage in business, society, and government because they were smarter than those around them. Also, they would be the youngest group of people to vote which gave them great influence over who ended up winning the vote. Though a majority of the Ottoman Empire supported the reforms of the Young Turks, many disliked the specifics of the reforms as well.