Monday, October 7, 2013

Alexander the (Fill In The Blank)

Alexander the "Great" was without a doubt one of the most significant kings in history. He had superior war tactics than anyone during his time. And considering he was in his twenties when he took over his father's kingdom, this was nothing short of impressive. An example of how Alexander had superior war tactics is when he led his army thousands of miles to fight the Persians. Although outnumbered two to one, Alexander's army was victorious and defeated the Persians led by Darius. But even though he was a great battle planner, tens of thousands of his own men died in the process. And to add to that, he burned Persepolis to the ground and killed Cleutis in a drunken rage. For these three reasons, I DO NOT think that Alexander deserved to be called "Great"; even though he may have had a clear vision for the Greek Empire, he did not execute his plan in the best way possible. 

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