Monday, March 31, 2014

The Anatomy of a Revolution

1st Stage-----> People start hating the current regime. Plus, there would be numerous amounts of protests and violence towards the government.

2nd Stage-----> Moderate and radical revolutionaries clash; moderates are opposed by many and eventually it destroyed the moderates. Extremists win and this period is known as the "terror" period.

3rd Stage-----> Development of Thermidorian Reaction. Life returns to normal, but a dictator generally comes to power who brings back a version of the old regime. 

TED Talk Response

Ferguson began this TED talk by introducing the count of “billions” which I thought was engaging. His points were concise, and clearly defined to fit the overarching theme of his talk. However, Ferguson exuded a bit of arrogance by saying “this is the best simplification I can offer you,” as that implies he believes the audience is relatively-feeble-minded compared to him. Overall, the information relayed in Ferguson’s talk was very intriguing and addressed a largely unattacked issue of prosperity fairly holistically.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Adam Smith Questions

1) Why do you think profit is the most important thing?
2) In what ways does self-interest help society?
3) When would a monopoly be beneficial to people?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DBQ Reflection

Today's DBQ didn't go as smoothly as I thought it was going to be. The main problem I had with writing it was time management, where I spent too long reading over the articles to pull out the quotes for my essay. I also seemed to be repeating words a lot (such as, according to, in  my opinion, etc.). I do think a good job at grouping my thoughts together; medicine, death of children, and religion. I made my point of view apparent from the start of the essay, stating that the Plague was truly devastating to Europe, but most importantly Italy. Unfortunately, I did not get to finish my essay which is a shame because I had so much I wanted to write about! But for next time, I definitely will be managing my time more wisely, and organizing what I am going to write BEFORE the writing time begins. But DBQ's are by far my favorite type of essay of the three!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Does Columbus Deserve His Own Holiday?

I do not think that Columbus should have his own day in my opinion. Columbus basically represented Europe, more specifically Spain, when traveling to North America. I do still believe that the Europeans came to know about America from the Chinese, so yes I would seriously reconsider having a day commemorating Columbus because he really didn't do all that much.