Friday, May 9, 2014

Political Cartoon--> CHINA!

For my political cartoon on China, I chose to interpret the Boxer Rebellion (the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists). The Boxer Rebellion was a anti-foreign imperialism uprising during the Qing Dynasty from 1899 to 1900. Boxers were comprised of young Chinese men armed with rifles and swords that specialized in Martial Arts. Boxers killed a large number of foreigners, including Japanese, English, and French troops, and even Chinese Christians, whom they also opposed. The Boxers were eventually crushed by Japanese and European troops, most notably the French and English. 

For my political cartoon I interpreted the Boxers as LEGIT boxers. The two men with great looking hair represent the French and English fighters who crushed the Boxers in 1900. The man with the fantastic mustache (which I drew PERFECTLY) that is sitting curled up on the ground represents a Chinese Boxer that is at the mercy of the English and French. They are armed with the same type of weapons that Boxers were equipped with, except the tables are turned as now the Boxer does not have weapons to defend himself. 

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